The Greater Idaho Movement has changed its proposed map, trimming the amount of Oregon that would break away and join the Gem state. Mike McCarter, President of “Move Oregon’s Border”, said they decided to remove the southern Oregon coast.

“So, it starts at the Columbia River and heads south along the Deschutes River. It does make a dogleg out around Bend, comes back in just south of Sunriver and continues on all the way along the western border of Klamath County.”

McCarter noted the change is in direct response to this month’s election, when support for the idea of breaking away from Oregon and joining Idaho received less than 50% of the vote in Douglas and Josephine counties. He noted it’s not clear if voters want to leave Oregon.

“The question to the counties is not a question to secede. It’s a question to look into the possibility. But it does give an indication that a lot of people in eastern Oregon feel closer to the traditional values that there are in Idaho."

The Greater Idaho question will appear on the Morrow County ballot in the fall; and Wallowa County in Spring 2023.

Experts say moving the border is unlikely, since any such change would require an agreement by both state Legislatures and the approval of Congress.

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