Flock Owners Trying Anything To Keep HPAI Out
The 2015 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza outbreak was spread primarily by people and machines carrying the virus from one location to another.
But in this current outbreak. “The vast majority of our introductions into domestic poultry are from interaction with a wild bird of some type,” which Dr. Rosemary Sifford with the USDA’s Veterinary Service said presents a whole new set of biosecurity problems.
She noted that some producers have implemented wild bird deterrent systems, in an effort to keep wild fowl clear of their property. That includes projecting laser beams across areas where wild birds gather; the birds think the beams as a threat and they disperse. But some producers are going even further, changing the landscape of their property.
“Such as not having ponds and other open water sources that tend to attract wild waterfowl.”
She noted producers nationwide are looking for anything to upgrade their biosecurity in an effort to reduce the chances of losing valuable flocks to avian influenza.
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