The Finley FFA Chapter High School is gearing up for their 28th annual plant sale.  This year the plant sale will take place Friday, April 19th from 11:30am-5:00pm and Saturday, April 20th from 9:00am-5:00pm at the high school’s greenhouses.  There are bedding plants, vegetables, hanging baskets, color bowls, annuals, perennials, and much more.


This annual event is one that agricultural students and FFA members prepare for all year.  It all starts in October when the greenhouses are set up and from that point on the students in the horticulture class plant, propagate, pinch, fertilize, arrange, transplant and so on until the event.  There are many students involved in the classes that help perform these various tasks.


At the sale, students get to interact with customers in real life situations learning valuable customer relations and selling skills.  Each customer that walks though the door gets personal customer attention by students.  Students involved in this activity take home knowledge that can be applied to their life later on.


This annual event is the main fundraiser for the Finley FFA Chapter, which has over 35 members.   Money made goes toward student FFA activities and expansion of the agriculture program at RiverView High School.



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