President from three state Farm Bureaus met with the administration last week to discuss trade.  President Trump made an unscheduled stop at the meeting, to make his thoughts about trade and the current climate known.  South Dakota Farm bureau President Scott VanderWal said having President Trump make an appearance shows Ag is a priority.


“They like to say they really value agriculture and they know how important it is to our economy, and our society.  And I think by having this meeting, and having us all there, they’re showing that.  And they are truly interested in what we think in agriculture and truly interested in doing the right things.”


At the conclusion of last week’s meeting, Texas Farm Bureau President Russell Boening said he feels more positive about getting trade issues resolved.


“We know that there’s still work to be done, but with the Mexico deal pretty much done, we go assurances that they believe Canada will be right in line with Mexico, they even mentioned the European Union, Japan, and possibly even China in the not too distant future, so I feel more positive.”



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