The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the Public Lands Council support the introduction of the Improved National Monument Designation Process Act.  The bill is sponsored by Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski, Chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, along with 25 co-sponsors.


The bill would require congressional and state approval to designate a new monument.


“Executive branch abuse of the Antiquities Act has moved it far beyond its original intent, with devastating effects on local economies,” says NCBA President Tracy Brunner.


“It’s unacceptable for any President to have this much unilateral authority over land-management decisions. Impacted local communities and the American people deserve a seat at the table as well.”


Under the 1906 Antiquities Act, any President has the power to establish a national monument without the approval of Congress, state and local governments or even people who live in impacted communities.  President Obama has taken full advantage of this executive power, using the Act more than any other president and locking up millions of acres in the process.



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