FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce is reminding producers that the deadline to sign up for enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program is Friday, August 17th.


“Any agricultural producer with eligible land should look into the benefits of this program,” Fordyce said. “It removes marginal, erodible land from production, thereby improving water quality, increases wildlife habitat, and provides more opportunities for recreational activities like fishing, hunting, and wildlife viewing.”


For this year’s signup, limited priority practices are available for continuous enrollment. They include grassed waterways, filter strips, riparian buffers, wetland restoration, and others. FSA will use updated soil rental rates to make their annual payments, reflecting current values. It will not offer incentive payments as part of the new signup. USDA will not open general signup this year. However, a one-year extension will be offered to existing CRP participants with expiring contracts of 14 years or less.



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