Next to the cost of feeding their animals, the cost of labor on dairy farms will always take up a large share of the budget.  But what are producers to do with labor costs continually moving higher?  A article says labor costs will rise in the new year.  As of January 1st, farmers in some of the largest dairy-producing states, including Washington and Oregon, now face government-mandated higher minimum wages.


The pay increase isn’t the biggest concern for dairy farmers.  Instead, it’s the lack of available people to work.  The industry worked throughout 2017 to bring forward immigration reform that would work for dairy farmers because they don’t have access to the H-2A program as they aren’t seasonal employers.


Tonia Van Slyke is the executive director of the New York Dairy Association, who says her state and others that rank high in dairy production need a viable guest-worker program in order to find help on their operations.


President Trump and Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue have both said that immigration reform that works for farmers is a top priority.



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