The annual Central Washington University Economic Outlook Conference will look at the impact of potatoes and hay.


Organizer Mark Pritchard said they’ll look at trends, challenges and opportunities during the event.


“It allows our students and those that are doing research in those particular industries to really come to grips with some of the trends and issues that are cropping up in these particular areas. All of these things are really useful in the educational process.”


The event will kick off February 28th with a presentation on the growth of Washington Agriculture by Washington State Department of Agriculture Director Derek Sandison.


Pritchard notes that apples are important yes, but potatoes and hay are both in the top five of lucrative crops in the state.


“Boy oh boy, you just got to go over to Moses Lake. I mean you’ve got the most productive county in the region with respect to potato production just on our shoulder. So obviously we should be talking about these kinds of productive economic drivers in the region.”


The event is February 28th at Sue Lombard Hall. To register, or see the full speaker list, go to the website for the event.


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