The Cattle Producers of Washington recently announced that they are partnering with R-Calf to help advocate.


CPoW President Scott Nielsen said they’ve had a great experience in working with R-Calf when they provide speakers or at the national convention.


“The primary benefit is that we have a national voice on issues. We can support one another on issues that are important to the industry nationally and an awful lot of our local issues are tied to national issues. So, to me it was a natural place to go.”


R-Calf is also involved in some of the trade negotiations that are critical to the cow-calf operators in Washington.


Nielsen even said that a conversation he was a part of about trade helped spur their decision to look into a relationship with R-Calf, something the organization had been resistant to doing since their creation.


“That meeting [was in] Cathy McMorris-Rodgers’ office. I will tell you that Cathy, she saw the problem as did the other [ag] groups and they said well you guys need to have more of a voice when these deals are being crafted.”


Nielsen says that currently the U.S. imports a far greater amount of meat than they export and that has proven challenging for the industry.


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