Many in the agriculture community are not a fan of Daylight Saving.  With that sentiment in mind, one lawmaker in Olympia is exploring the idea of moving Washington into Mountain Standard Time, to do away with Daylight Saving Time.  Senator Jim Honeyford told the Washington Ag Network Daylight Saving not only a hindrance for farmers, but it’s also not good for the non-ag community.


“We did a little research and found that when the times change like that there are more accidents, there are more illnesses and school children don’t do as well on tests and other things that are within a week of the time change.”


Honeyford added a farmer's job does not run off the clock.


“Urban people say ‘well, that was for the farmers’ and I say, no farmers work from dawn to dark and it doesn’t matter what the clock says.  So, ran a bill last year and it went nowhere.”


Honeyford said he’s been in contact with a lawmaker in Oregon as well as California, looking at the possibility of switching the entire West Coast.  While he acknowledges that legislation is a long-shot at this point, he thinks many would enjoy getting rid of the yearly Spring Ahead and Fall Back routines.



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