The irrigation season is underway across Central and Eastern Washington which means work on the Columbia Basin Project has greatly slowed, but it is ongoing.


Mike Schwisow with the Columbia Basin Development League said coming into this past winter, they had nearly completed working on widening East Low Canal, and finished fashioning three siphons.


“Over the past winter, the Warden Siphon was built. It was a struggle because of this particular construction season and the weather was really poor with the hard winter that we had. They were able to complete that structure. We’re now down to the final two siphons, Kansas Prairie 1 and 2.”


The work has also been done under budget for the most part with much of the work being done in-house.


Schwisow said the work doesn’t stop during the spring and summer, at least for the 47.5 system and the pumping plant.


“That is now closed off from the canals so work can continue on the pumping station itself outside of the canal prism. The initial steps of developing the pipeline system also will be ongoing. That’s away from the canals. Those pieces can move forward.”


The project will receive funding in the state capital budget, but how much is currently unclear.


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