As home gardeners prepare for the upcoming spring and summer yard work, the Master Gardeners of Chelan and Douglas County are hoping to help with their annual plant sale.


Linda Morse says they’ll have a wide variety of high-quality plants including 1,400 tomato plants many of whom were award winners.


“It’s from 9-2 at the Pybus Public Market and if you want the best choice you have to be there early.”


Morse says the plants they’re selling will grow well in North Central Washington and that they are happy to help with any questions gardeners might have.


Not only will there be thousands of plants, all of great quality, Morse hopes to bring some variety.


“We try to make our plants the healthiest and best plants that we can. And we try to bring things that we have not seen in the valley, that are different from what other nurseries are bringing in. So you got some very special plants to choose from.”


You can find more information and the complete list of plants on the WSU Master Gardener site.


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