The Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance has opened up ticket sales for their annual Celebrate Festival which this year will focus on Syrah.


Executive Director Heather Unwin said this year will be a particularly great year because of the high quality.


“Syrah is something that Walla Walla probably does better, and I feel really confident in saying this, than pretty much anywhere in the country right now.”


Part of the celebration will be to showcase the unique characteristics of Walla Walla and the valley and why Syrah is so good, an idea often referred to as terroir tourism.


Unwin said the people who attend, whether they are relatively new to Walla Walla wines or seasoned vets, will learn.


“It’s kind of like getting an MbA in Walla Walla wines during that time. That’s what I really hope people get. All of the fun stuff that wraps around it, just for the fact that this is such a cool community, that’s the bonus.”


Unwin said they wanted to honor the memory of former Executive Director Duane Wollmuth by making sure that they offered the same of high-quality experience and wine as people are used to.


For more on the event, or to purchase your tickets, visit


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