Gardens require a lot of work and a lot of planning to make sure that yours can thrive.


University of Maryland Extension Lawn and Plant expert David Clement said it starts when you pick your plant.


“Many people just go out and if they see a pretty plant, then they think that’s something they want, they should really know a little bit more about the background. They should know if takes full sun or shade, what kind of water requirements it takes.”


Understanding those water requirements can be critical for placement in the garden depending on whether or not there are spots that gather water, or drain water.


When placing the plant in the ground, be wary of how far down you go Clement noted.


“If they plant them too deep, then immediately the root system begins to suffer and that leads to problems. The other problem we also see in conjunction with that is when people like to mulch. When they mulch deeply on top of planting deeply, then the plant is basically buried and then it really does struggle.”


Clement said two inches of mulch is plenty, more than three can be counterproductive.


If you have any questions regarding your yard or garden, make sure to reach out to the Master Gardeners at Extension offices.

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