So much attention in Washington D.C. has been over the 2018 Farm Bill, and getting that piece of legislation approved and on to the President by the end of the month.  But, another important topic is waiting in the wings in D.C., and that’s addressing Ag labor needs.


Representative Dan Newhouse said most lawmakers understand the critical nature of the Ag labor shortage facing farmers.


“But some people want other things, and not willing to give up leverage so to speak on the H2B program, or construction workers, or what do we do with them, and some people don’t want to do anything as it relates to immigration unless we do it all.”


Newhouse adds there are many reasons why members of Congress may not support an Ag Labor bill, but he was quick to point out there is an understanding that something needs to be done for farmers nationwide.


Newhouse added support is growing, and he said he’s hopeful legislation will be approved sooner rather than later.


Newhouse co-sponsored the Ag Legal Workforce bill earlier this year, which would convert the current H2A into an H2C program.



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