The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, otherwise known as a national GMO labeling rule, is intended to require the disclosure of bioengineered food ingredients. The standard was signed into law last year and gave USDA two years to come up with a rule by July 2018.


American Farm Bureau Federation congressional relations director Andrew Walmsley said the USDA rule must not confuse consumers on the safety of biotech crops.


“The biggest thing for farmers is that we follow the law, we follow science and it’s implemented in a way that doesn’t disparage a perfectly safe and a very important tool that farmers need to meet the challenges of the future.”


Walmsley noted that it’s important to make sure that any rule that is put in place is not done in a way to denigrate GMOs.


“This isn’t a health or safety or nutrition standard. It’s purely a marketing standard and so keeping that in mind, as any rule is being developed, it is for marketing purposes and a good opportunity to provide more information to consumers.”


The comment period ended Friday. USDA is expected to release a proposed rule later this fall.

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