Kentucky Farm Bureau President Mark Haney went before the Senate Agriculture Committee earlier this week, saying farmers need help over coming a weak economy and low commodity prices.  Haney said protecting farm bill spending and maintaining the farm safety net is critical in the 2018 Farm Bill process.


“However, we want to expand programs that help dairy we want to be able to utilize and enhance our county program, PLC, all of those, we want to be in place, we want to be able to choose to reenroll in the New Farm Bill.”


Haney said they also want programs that are beneficial for individual farmer.  Haney also noted, regardless of your commodity, all of rural America benefits from a strong Farm Bill.


“We want to be able to raise our children and our grandchildren in a rural community that provides the best the world can offer; pristine waters, and good roads, and good infrastructure, nice schools and hospitals and all of the things that go with where you and I and other folks want to live we want that for our children.”



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