Registration for the 2016 Wheat Academy opens Monday, October 10th with just 75 spots available for the in-depth workshop.


Drew Lyon with WSU Extension said they wanted to come up with a way to bring science and their research to the public.


“What the Wheat Academy allows is more hands-on, smaller group, more in-depth learning than maybe some of the other educational events that we offer and it seems to have struck a chord.”


Topics will include falling number causes, spray particle sizes and impacts on drift, wheat growth and development, herbicide resistance and more.


The Wheat Academy has been very well received by the industry Lyon said, even if some of the attendees leave the classes a little overwhelmed.


“I’m hoping they understand that when we come out with different management recommendations that those recommendations are based on a lot of the sound science that goes on behind the scenes and they have a little better appreciation of that science and how it’s done.”


Lyon said last year the conference filled up in less than three weeks and this year they’re unveiling a new pricing structure so that it’s less expensive for growers.


For more information, visit


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