We’re wrapping up National Farm Safety and Health week and the USDA is releasing some data on what is putting children in danger on farms.


Marsha Salzwedel with the National Farm Medicine Center said farming has become the most dangerous occupations in the U.S.


“There is a child or youth that dies in an ag-related incident about every three days. Everyday there’s about 33 children that are seriously injured in an agriculture related incident.”


The rate for injuries has been going down since 2001 as more awareness and safety equipment are being put in place.


Salzwedel said 60 percent of the fatalities are for kids under the age of 10.


“Tractors are responsible for almost half of the fatalities of young children on farms. While it may be a tradition to give the kids a ride on these tractors, it’s a very dangerous one.”


Seat belts can help protect kids in tractors, but they can’t prevent everything from potentially injuring or even killing a kid.

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