wolf depredation

Oregon Wolf Population Increases Slightly
Oregon Wolf Population Increases Slightly
Oregon Wolf Population Increases Slightly
According to the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management’s annual report, the wolf population in the state increased slightly between 2020 and 2021. The report indicates the minimum known count of wolves in Oregon at the end of 2021 was 175, and increase of two wolves from a year earlier. T ...
First 2022 Wolf Depredation Reported In SW Oregon
First 2022 Wolf Depredation Reported In SW Oregon
First 2022 Wolf Depredation Reported In SW Oregon
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife officials have confirmed the first wolf depredation of 2022. Investigators were called to a mortally wounded 225-pound calf on privately owned timber land in Jackson County. ODFW says the calf died shortly after being found ...
ODFW Called To Several Depredations To Wrap Up October
ODFW Called To Several Depredations To Wrap Up October
ODFW Called To Several Depredations To Wrap Up October
Crews with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife were busy with several depredations to wrap up October. Investigators were called to a dead cow as well as an injured cow in the Howard Butte area of Wallowa County. The two cows were discovered early Thursday morning on 23,000 acres of private forested land ...
ODFW Approves The Killing Of Wolf In Umatilla County
ODFW Approves The Killing Of Wolf In Umatilla County
ODFW Approves The Killing Of Wolf In Umatilla County
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife recently announced the approval of a kill permit for a Umatilla County livestock producer who suffered two depredations in a three-day window. The depredations in the Ukiah Valley area were confirmed on private land pastures on September 25th and 28th, resulting in the death or injury of eight calves ...

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