Consumer advocates claim that John Deere may be violating the Clean Air Act by limiting repairs on the emission control systems of its machines. Such repairs are only authorized to certified John Deere dealers.
The Clean Air Act requires companies to provide the necessary information, including software, to repair emission control systems in vehicles. Compani...
The world’s five biggest meat and dairy producers could soon take the top spot as the world’s biggest polluters. A new report from the nonprofit GRAIN and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy says meat and dairy could soon produce more greenhouse gasses than oil giants Exxon, Shell, and BP. ZeroHedge...
A recent study by U,C. Davis says farm fields are causing major nitrogen oxide pollution in the state. The study indicates that between 20%-32% of that smog is caused by farm fields with fertilizer applications. The study says recent findings show that agriculture is one of the dominant sources of nitrogen oxide in the U.S. It says the imp...