Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices

GAO Gives USDA Approval to Ditch Organic Livestock Rule
GAO Gives USDA Approval to Ditch Organic Livestock Rule
GAO Gives USDA Approval to Ditch Organic Livestock Rule
The Government Accountability Office says the Department of Agriculture complied with rulemaking procedures during its withdrawal of The Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices final rule. The office reviewed the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service’s process to withdraw the rule after many groups, including the Humane Society of the United States, filed lawsuits claiming USDA did not follow proper
USDA Seeking Dismissal of OTA Lawsuit
USDA Seeking Dismissal of OTA Lawsuit
USDA Seeking Dismissal of OTA Lawsuit
The USDA wants a federal district court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the department’s delay of the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices final rule.  USDA claims it's challenger, the Organic Trade Association, "lacks standing because it pleads no facts" in showing the delay has resulted in the suffering of its members because of the USDA action.  In response t...