National Weather Service

Progressive Weather Pattern Expected Into February
Progressive Weather Pattern Expected Into February
Progressive Weather Pattern Expected Into February
The cloudy, unchanging weather pattern we saw for the back half of January did not stick around for February, thanks to windy conditions that blew into the Pacific Northwest this week, moving that fog and low-lying clouds out of the area; for the most part ...
Dryer, Warmer Weather Expected In Coming Days
Dryer, Warmer Weather Expected In Coming Days
Dryer, Warmer Weather Expected In Coming Days
While it does not feel like a heat wave, the temperatures across the Pacific Northwest have moderated over the past week. And following those bone chilling temperatures to wrap up 2021 and start the New Year, these average temperatures are feeling downright pleasant ...
Lohmann: Active Weather Expected As We Head Toward Christmas
Lohmann: Active Weather Expected As We Head Toward Christmas
Lohmann: Active Weather Expected As We Head Toward Christmas
It’s still too early to know if you’ll enjoy a White Christmas this year, but it looks like Mother Nature is setting the table for an active Christmas at the very least. Marilyn Lohmann with the National Weather Service says over the next couple of weeks, she expected systems to roll across the Pacific Northwest every 24-36 hours. “At thi ...
Lohmann: November Not As Wet As You May Have Thought
Lohmann: November Not As Wet As You May Have Thought
Lohmann: November Not As Wet As You May Have Thought
After the extremely dry summer and early fall the Pacific Northwest experienced, the rain that rolled across the area in November was welcomed relief. But, was the month as wet as many thought it was? In western Oregon and western Washington, large amounts of rain fell, leading to flooding and landslides ...
Mild Weather Could Result In Record Temperatures On Wednesday
Mild Weather Could Result In Record Temperatures On Wednesday
Mild Weather Could Result In Record Temperatures On Wednesday
It’s been a very mild couple of days across the PNW. Marilyn Lomann, meteorologist with the National Weather Service said many areas reported record or near record daytime highs on Monday, and that looks to be repeated Wednesday. And while the mild temperatures are great news for those out working in the fields, she notes it has unfortunately has done a number to the snowpack across the area. “
Active Weather Expected for Coming Weeks
Active Weather Expected for Coming Weeks
Active Weather Expected for Coming Weeks
The Pacific Northwest received some much needed rain over the weekend. And while areas west of the Cascades suffered from mudslides, down trees and localized flooding, many in the farming community were happy to see the rain. Marilyn Lohmann meteorologist with the National Weather Service said the weekend of rain means the new Water Year is off to a great start; but that only started October 1st
Active Weather Expected For PNW As September Comes To A Close
Active Weather Expected For PNW As September Comes To A Close
Active Weather Expected For PNW As September Comes To A Close
Over the past week or so, the Pacific Northwest enjoyed pleasant early fall weather, including a lot of sunshine and warm temperatures. But that came to an end Monday as a system rolled in brining rain showers and windy conditions. Marilyn Lohmann, meteorologist with the National Weather Service said the sytem dropped 1”-2” of rain along the crest of the Cascades, with Yakima and central Oregon
Cooler, Wetter Weather On The Horizon, Lohmann Says
Cooler, Wetter Weather On The Horizon, Lohmann Says
Cooler, Wetter Weather On The Horizon, Lohmann Says
Wednesday is the first day of fall and for the farming community across the Pacific Northwest, it could not come soon enough. The summer of 2021 was one of several records, either for heat, dryness, or both. But as we get a new season underway will we see any change to the weather pattern ...
Lohmann: Showers Expected To Move Into the PNW In Coming Days
Lohmann: Showers Expected To Move Into the PNW In Coming Days
Lohmann: Showers Expected To Move Into the PNW In Coming Days
The Pacific Northwest has enjoyed great late summer weather over the past couple of days, with sunny skies and daytime highs that are right in line with normal. However, it looks like the stability will come to an end starting today. Marilyn Lohmann, meteorologist with the National Weather Service said a weak system will roll in Wednesday, bringing breezy conditions and cooler temperatures to th

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