The end of April signals the beginning of spring barrel tasting season with this weekend being a preview weekend and the weekend of April 29th the big event.


Executive Director of Wine Yakima Valley Barb Glover said this is a great time to get out, shake off the winter, and enjoy some nice wine, plus it also marks the kickoff of the tourist season for wineries.


“But it’s also an opportunity for them to be able to showcase what’s coming up next, what their next vintage is going to be. I think for them it’s a great opportunity to showcase a wine that’s getting ready to go into the bottle and one that’s already in the bottle.”


Plus it connects the wineries and the winemakers with the public so that they can educate them on how the wine comes to be.


Glover said one of the best parts of spring barrel tasting is how it connects people to each other and to the industry.


“Spring barrel tasting seems to be a friend or family group event, so people come in six, eight, 10, in groups. And I think that it’s an annual affair for so many people.”


You can find out more about Spring Barrel Tasting in the Yakima Valley at


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