Relationship Between NASA And USDA
Perhaps most of us are unaware just how connected the Agriculture Department is with the federal agency associated with space exploration and travel.
“We look at the earth is like a living organism, and we need to monitor it and understand what changes are occurring, and what are the causes of those changes,” said Brad Doorn of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA]. Doorn has USDA connections previously serving in the Foreign Agricultural Service.
“I supported the integrating satellite data into the WASDE process.”
USDA's monthly World Agricultural Supply Demand Estimates. In which various information resources such as satellite and weather imagery, field observations and government data are used to come up with forecast and estimates of major crops from across the globe. So, what are some examples of USDA NASA collaboration? Doorn said the U.S. drought monitor is a good example.
“Through our climate sensors, we're able now to understand how groundwater changes much more effectively than we ever have in the past," he said. "We now provide a data product from our Goddard Space Flight Center to the U.S. Drought Monitor that provides, at the same time step as the U.S. Drought monitor on a weekly basis, groundwater routes and so. And surface oil moisture products for the entire nation.”
NASA's Grace Climate satellite provides soil moisture information to users from USDA to farm media outlets. NASA also provides open access software to technological product. Based on satellite data for use in various applications, including agriculture on Earth.
“Our open ET product that we work with irrigation managers that really helps us understand water use. So that a farmer or irrigation district manager can look and input this product into their own irrigation management system and help them produce water supply information or water demand information on their crop that they've never had in the past.”
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