The USDA is reminding those that suffered losses last year due to hurricanes, or more likely in our part of the country, wildfires, you only have a few more days to gets your applications for assistance submitted.  The FSA's Richard Fordyce said since it's still relatively new, he wants to remind producers about the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program better known as WHIP.


"The WHIP Program came about through the bipartisan budget act that was passed in February of 2018 and it's a program that assists producers that were affected by Hurricanes and Wildfires in 2017."

Fordyce says there's nearly $2 billion to cover four kinds of losses, crops, trees, vines, and bushes.  And he advised producers not to delay.


"It’s imperative that producers get in to the office by November 16th, that is the sign up deadline, now you know, they won't have to complete the application necessarily by November 16th, but they will have to be in the office and signed up."

For more information go to your local FSA office, or visit



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