Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue and other senior USDA officials continue to emphasize, the programs announced this week to help farmers impacted by retaliatory tariffs is a short-term plan.  Perdue said specific emphasis is on helping farmers and ranchers through the 2018 crop and production year.


"We know these markets equilibrate over a period of time, as they always do. But these are things that producers, when they planted in the spring, had no idea were coming about."

The Secretary said he does not expect as much trade disruption damage in future years, in part through resolution of existing trade disputes, new markets, and grower decisions, going forward.


"Farmers are smart. They'll make their planning decisions for '19 based on where the markets look like they are there."


USDA officials and staff are currently developing details of the three tariff mitigation programs, with plans for roll-out by Labor Day.



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