Researchers at Oregon State University discovered that even a single serving of raspberries can greatly curb weight gain, even with a high-fat diet.


Professor of Food Science and Technology Neal Shay said this is great news for raspberry growers.


“I think that you can be proud that you’re producing and growing a food that’s really good for people. Hopefully with this kind of news, if we can promote this, we can increase the demand for red raspberries.”


Shay and his team fed two groups of mice a high-fat diet, but one group got raspberries while the other did not and Shay said the results were quite dramatic in that the group with raspberries gained less weight than the others.


And for us consumers, Shay’s message is simple.


“When you’re pushing that shopping cart through the supermarket, this is one of the foods that is really, in my opinion, a super food, one of the best foods you can be eating. Include that as a regular part of your diet.”


Shay said raspberries will really help your metabolism which is it helps slow down the weight gain.


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