According to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, the number of farms across the county dropped 10% in ten years.  During that decade, the number of American farms slipped from over 2.1 million in 2012, to 1,900,487 farms in 2022.


The Census of Ag is conducted every five years, and the last two five-year periods saw the number of farms decrease in all four farm size categories from 2012-2017.  The smallest three categories fell from 2017-2022.  Farms with annual revenue of less than $10,000 dropped the largest number within the decade, declining by over 151,000 farms, or 13%.  On the other hand, large farms with $1 million or more in revenue increased by 32 percent, from 81,600 in 2012 to almost 108,000 in 2022.  The number of farms with $10,000 to $249,999 in revenue dropped by 66,600, a 9% drop, from 2012 to 2022.  Farms with revenues of $250,000 to $999,999 declined by more than 16,800, or a 10% decrease.


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