The House has passed their version of bill design to curb the practice of sue and settle that seemed to dominate much of the policy of the Obama Administration.  Public Lands Council Executive Director Ethan Lane says this move away from sue and settle is critical for ag producers.


“This is a huge step in the right direction for all of the regulated community, the cattle and sheep producers in particular that deal with the effects of these radical environmental groups who have mastered that sue and settle process.”


EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in particular has denounced sue and settle and there are indications, according to Lane, that the Department of Interior and U.S. Forest Service are moving that way as well.  Lane said nearly all of the problems in use of lands and livestock ties directly into these litigations.


“You’ve got the dollar amounts going out the door in settlement costs but then the lost productivity, the damage to rural communities when these projects are ground to a halt because of the whims of a few outsiders that don’t like the idea of responsible resource use; it has absolutely multi-billion dollar effects on the western economy.”





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