The chair of the US House’s Environment Subcommittee, Illinois Republican John Shimkus, says he’ll use all options to kill  President Obama’s ‘Waters of the US’ rule.  He acknowledges it’s a lot easier for the House GOP majority to pass regulatory reform and repeal measures on party-line votes, than the Senate, where filibuster rules will force Republicans to secure 60-votes to advance such bills.  But the Illinois Republican said his panel will “take the lead” on reining in the EPA and other agencies, and dismantling rules that hamper agriculture and other professions.


"Part of the success of a conservative majority was the frustration by the public over the over-zealousness of federal agencies really across the board, whether it’s the FTC or communication issues or it’s the SEC or it’s the consumer protection bureau or the EPA.”


Shimkus added Republicans could also use the appropriations process to defund WOTUS, but adds, that would only win his side temporary delays of one-year at a time.



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