
According to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Equine Herpesvirus has been confirmed in Clackamas County. ODA said the after exhibiting neurologic symptoms, the owners called a veterinarian to examine the animal and collect a sample for testing. The horse was later humanely euthanized. A California Laboratory confirmed EHV-1 on May 31st.

According to the ODA, the animal recently traveled to the 2022 State Oregon High School Equestrian Teams Championship. OHSET was held at the First Interstate Bank Expo Center in Redmond, from May 12th-15th. A second horse from the same ranch who also traveled to OHSET is doing well, recovering from initial respiratory symptoms. However, an ODA District Veterinarian placed a quarantine on the farm following state and national guidelines.

The ODA State Veterinarian is working with OHSET to evaluate the potential exposure risk at the state event, and event coordinators are working to contact exhibitors. All horse owners who believe that their horse may have been exposed to EHV-1 should monitor their animal’s temperature twice daily and call their veterinarian if they see any symptoms.

The EHV-1 virus is highly contagious and spreads via aerosolized secretions from infected coughing horses, direct and indirect contact with nasal secretions, and fetal fluids. EHV-1 typically has an incubation period of 2-10 days. Respiratory shedding of the virus generally occurs for 7-10 days but may persist longer in infected horses.

ODA is asking horse owners to follow basic biosecurity practices to help reduce the risk of exposure to all contagious equine diseases:

  • Limit horse-to-horse contact
  • Limit horse-to-human-to-horse contact
  • Avoid the use of communal water sources
  • Avoid sharing of equipment unless thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between uses
  • Isolate new or returning horses from others for 30 days

Monitor your horse for clinical signs of disease and report any temperature over 102°F to a veterinarian Find more information about EHV-1 at ODA's Website.

If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekmedia.com

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