At the 2017 Annual Convention for the American Farm Bureau Federation, President Zippy Duvall preached unity for all producers going forward.



“There’s a lot of examples of how agriculture’s trying to come together. And I think our biggest challenge is going to be, be unified when we go forward with a farm bill and we got to find common ground in that to make sure that everybody has that safety net that covers them.”


One such example of unity and farmers making their voice heard was in the most recent election, something Duvall said he’s proud of, but there’s more to do.


“What I want them to understand is our job’s not finished. We’ve just started this movement. We need to make sure that everybody’s involved and when they get called to action they need to respond and make sure their voices continue to be heard.”


Duvall said it’s been an exciting year and cited victories in the GMO labelling bill, and Supreme Court decision about farmers’ privacy rights as highlights.

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