Negotiations on the 2018 Farm Bill continue, but will it get passed before the expiration of the current farm bill?


Former Ag Secretaries say passing one every four to five years is challenging, but Dan Glickman said he doesn’t foresee any major stumbling blocks to getting something done in a timely manner.


“We have a good Secretary of Agriculture now, Sonny Perdue, who the President seems to like. I think that’s probably the best news possible.”


Mike Johanns said that Perdue will build a good team to support efforts to get a new Farm Bill passed.


Ann Veneman said she does have some concerns since so many of USDA’s positions remain unfilled.


“As you prepare for a farm bill, I think it’s challenging if you don’t have your leadership in place.”


There’s also some belief that a cut to the cost of the farm bill might be necessary to get it passed.

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