The USDA is conducting research into the viability of non-soybean oil seed crops that could be used a biofuel for airplanes.


One of the researchers David Archer said one of their primary focuses is brassica crops.


“We looked at everything from canola, that typical canola that produces edible oils. Industrial rapeseed which is in the same family. We’re also looking at edible mustards and looking at other crops. One, brassica carinata; a lot of people call it carinata and another one is camelina.”


Brassica in particular shows as a particularly efficient conversion to jet fuel.


Archer said that conversion is where it’s important to be properly equipped.


“The fuel conversion to generate jet fuel is a little bit different than a biodiesel produced from soybeans. It actually goes through a refining process very similar to a petroleum oil. The conversion, we think, would be best suited for existing petroleum oil refineries.”


Research is currently being done in North Dakota.

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