Speculation has been that the House and Senate Farm Bill conference committee would push during this lame-duck session of Congress to have a new Farm Bill crafted, voted on and signed into law by year's end.  Several commodity groups believe the 2018 Farm Bill will become reality within the next two months.  Dan Atkinson of the National Sorghem Producers sid one signal that a new Farm Bill will advance soon is words from current ranking Ag House member Colin Peterson.


“Peterson has said he definitely wants this off the table, before he take back over.  And I have great major confidence the four major players can get that done.”

Will Roger of the American Farm Bureau Federation noted two additional drivers for Farm Bill completion, certainty for producers dealing with low prices and changing trade landscapes and certainty for Congress.


"They want to be able to say that they got something done, and I think it's true no matter side of the aisle you are on."



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