AFBF Convention Keynote Speaker Announced
Last week, the Farm Bureau announced that Bert Jacobs, co-founder and Chief Executive Optimist of Life is Good will serve as the keynote speaker for its 2023 convention in Puerto Rico, January 6th-11th. Bert and his brother John launched their business with $78 in their pocket, selling t-shirts in the streets of Boston. Today, Life is Good is a $150 million brand, and they're a positive lifestyle brand that impacts over a million kids a year. Nikki Jones, Director of Events Marketing with IDEAg, said Jacobs is a good fit for the farming audience.
“Bert will tell us the story of how his brand came to be, all the mistakes, the missteps and all of it. His story will leave farmers and ranchers with the tools needed to develop an optimistic mindset that eventually leads to success. He'll help farmers uncover kind of a deeper purpose in both business and life on the farm. It'll be truly I think an inspiring speech for them to hear.”
Jones said registration for January’s in-person event is underway right now.
“Obviously, you can be there with us in-person in sunny Puerto Rico, and we'd love to see everyone there. In addition to our keynote address, we'll have an incredible lineup of educational workshops, general session events, and of course, island exploration opportunities," Jones pointed out. "You can also opt to join the action virtually, just select virtual only registration. Go to the AFBF's Website to register.”
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