smart phone

Researchers Encourage Everyone To Cut Screen Time
Researchers Encourage Everyone To Cut Screen Time
Researchers Encourage Everyone To Cut Screen Time
Even as early as the 1950’s, when TV was the latest technology, there were concerns about the amount of screen time for children.  And this was at a time when there was a lot of children’s programing on air.  But, child development experts were already warning about the amount of time kids were spending in front of the screen. Some were worried ab...
Where Is Precision Ag Used The Most?
Where Is Precision Ag Used The Most?
Where Is Precision Ag Used The Most?
There was a new category in the latest edition of the USDA's farm computer and technology use survey, taking a look at how producers nationwide use precision agriculture practices. "Precision agriculture is a very broad question. It includes anything from GPS monitoring, guidance of tractors, yield monitoring, irrigations systems, electronic tagging of livestock, robotic milking, all of that,
Computer Usage On The Farm Continues To Increase
According to the latest numbers from NASS, 82% of farms across the county have access to the internet, a 7% increase from just two years ago. Adam Peters with NASS breaks down the numbers when it comes how farmers use their desktop computer, laptop or smart phone: "We found 29% of farms using the Internet to purchase agricultural inputs ...