
Knowing The Biology Of Mosquitos Can Help This Summer
Knowing The Biology Of Mosquitos Can Help This Summer
Knowing The Biology Of Mosquitos Can Help This Summer
Not only is it still winter from a meteorological standpoint, but in several parts of the nation it still feels like winter.  Too soon, perhaps to consider how to deal with mosquitoes in the summer?  As Penn State University Extension’s Jamie Kopco points out now is a good time to learn more about biology of mosquitoes, so you can be prepared to deal with them.    “A lo...
WSDA May Establish Firewood Quarantine
WSDA May Establish Firewood Quarantine
WSDA May Establish Firewood Quarantine
The Washington State Department of Agriculture is considering establishing a quarantine of untreated out-of-state firewood.  The Department is looking to prevent the introduction of plant pests and bee pests.  The movement of firewood containing plant pests and bee pests poses a threat to Washington’s forests, agricultural, and environmental interests.  Eggs, larvae, and ...
PNW Canola Harvest in a Tough Spot
PNW Canola Harvest in a Tough Spot
PNW Canola Harvest in a Tough Spot
Amidst the amber waves of wheat changing to stubble, green corn leaves to brown, and the fields of potatoes and onions pulled from the ground, the golden crop of canola has changed to stems and is prepared for harvest as well.
University of Idaho Out With App To Help Growers ID Insects
University of Idaho Out With App To Help Growers ID Insects
University of Idaho Out With App To Help Growers ID Insects
A University of Idaho research team is refining what it calls a first-of-its-kind app allowing grain growers to instantly identify common pests as well as beneficial insects.  According to school officials, once the app goes live, farmers will be able to take photos of insects common in cereals and other rotation crops to be quickly identified.     ...
Why Is Data On Hemp Pests Limited?
Why Is Data On Hemp Pests Limited?
Why Is Data On Hemp Pests Limited?
Research data on pest threats to industrial hemp crops is currently limited.  According to a Colorado State University Emeritus and Entomologist professor, there is a reason for that limited data: "What remains unique about industrial hemp as a crop in the United States is that there has been no information on what are the pest issues at all and that couldn't start until about 2014 when resea
WSDA Set To Start Annual Pest Hunt
WSDA Set To Start Annual Pest Hunt
WSDA Set To Start Annual Pest Hunt
The Washington State Department of Agriculture is preparing for its annual hunt for invasive pests and diseases. The Department will set thousands of traps statewide to monitor for the introduction or spread of over 130 invasive pests and diseases, including spongy moth, formerly known as gypsy moth, Asian giant hornet, apple maggot and Japanese beetle. ...
APHIS Continues Efforts To Prevent Pest Problems
APHIS Continues Efforts To Prevent Pest Problems
APHIS Continues Efforts To Prevent Pest Problems
While much has been accomplished in its 50 years of existence, the Administrator of USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Kevin Shea, said efforts to prevent and control pest and disease threats will never really end. For instance, he pointed to efforts to keep African Swine Fever out of our country ...

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