international markets

Mike Spier To Become USW’s Next President and CEO
Mike Spier To Become USW’s Next President and CEO
Mike Spier To Become USW’s Next President and CEO
Mike Spier, U.S. Wheat Associates vice president of overseas operations, has been elected as the organization’s next President and CEO.  The move becomes official with the retirement of current President and CEO Vince Peterson on July 1st.   Spier ...
Washington Farm Economy Looks Good For The Year Head
Washington Farm Economy Looks Good For The Year Head
Washington Farm Economy Looks Good For The Year Head
The Ag economist for the Washington State Department of Agriculture says 2023 is shaping up to be a good year for the farm economy across the Evergreen state.  Madi Roy says the Washington farm economy is fairly stable right now, but many are proceeding with caution.  One of ...
Zuzolo Encouraged About the Future Of Wheat
Zuzolo Encouraged About the Future Of Wheat
Zuzolo Encouraged About the Future Of Wheat
There’s a long way to go, but commodity markets are watching U.S. harvest results.   “Early yield reports I’m getting, coupled with the cash basis, is the market, and I are both thinking that USDA has got a low enough yield in these corn and bean numbers at this point," said Mike Zuzolo, founder and president of Global Commodity Analytics.  "And with export dem...
American Wheat Growers Continue To Face Challenges Internationally
American Wheat Growers Continue To Face Challenges Internationally
American Wheat Growers Continue To Face Challenges Internationally
U.S. wheat growers and marketers continue to face a very challenging exporting environment.  USDA Outlook Board Chair Seth Meyer said other wheat-growing countries keep pushing their wheat exports at prices lower than the U.S. price. "Early on, the Russians exporting a fair amount, and now the Europeans coming on and exporting a fair amount, Canadian supplies and the ability of the Canadians
Wheat Export Opportunities Expected To Increase
Wheat Export Opportunities Expected To Increase
Wheat Export Opportunities Expected To Increase
U.S wheat export opportunity should increase for the new marketing year, that according to the USDA's July outlook.  World Agricultural Outlook Chair Seth Meyer said that is due to less global competition.   "We made a lot of downward adjustments, dropped world production outside of the United States about 10 million metric tons. Problems...