
Amazon Cleared to Take Over Whole Foods
Amazon Cleared to Take Over Whole Foods
Amazon Cleared to Take Over Whole Foods
The FTC cleared Amazon Thursday to officially take over Whole Foods.  Politico’s Morning Agriculture Report says Amazon will spend $13.7 billion to acquire the Austin, Texas-based high-end food grocery store chain.  The FTC wrapped up its investigation and found no anticompetitive effects sufficient to block the deal.   Acting...
Consumers Overwhelmed by Conflicting Food Information
Consumers Overwhelmed by Conflicting Food Information
Consumers Overwhelmed by Conflicting Food Information
American consumers are getting more information about their food than ever before.  However, consumers are still short on nutritional literacy and it may be affecting the nation’s health.   Those are just a few of the findings from the 12th annual Health and Food Survey conducted by the International Food and Health Information Foundation.  Similar to re...
Survey Consumers Baffled by Food Labels
Survey Consumers Baffled by Food Labels
Survey Consumers Baffled by Food Labels
A recent survey of  global consumers shows most remain baffled by food labels. Sponsored by Elanco, The Truth About Food survey gathered input from 3,300 consumers in 11 countries.  Of the findings, online meat industry publication Meatingplace reports the survey shows 82% of consumers said they buy organic products mainly because they believe the foods to be pesticide-free.   But, ...
NASS Launches Local Foods Study
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service will conduct the first-time local foods survey.  USDA hopes the survey, announced Thursday, will provide a data benchmark on the local foods sector in the United States.  Called the “2015 Local Food Marketing Practices Survey,” the survey will ask producers for information on their production and local marketing of foods during the 2015 calendar year