commodity prices

Input Costs, Prices Weighing On The Minds Of Producers
Input Costs, Prices Weighing On The Minds Of Producers
Input Costs, Prices Weighing On The Minds Of Producers
This has been a challenging year for the farming community, at least on the national scene.  Is that the same here in the Northwest?   Pat Hatzenbuehler, Ag economist at the University of Idaho says the latest Ag economy barometer shows farmers are pessimistic about the way things look now, and where the farm economy is headed into the future.  And he said ...
U of I’s Risk Manager Talks About Biggest Issues Facing Farmers
U of I’s Risk Manager Talks About Biggest Issues Facing Farmers
U of I’s Risk Manager Talks About Biggest Issues Facing Farmers
Earlier this year, Colby Field joined the University of Idaho’s Extension program as a risk manager.  Filed will be based in Moscow, but will help food producers across the entire gem state.  He said his goal in this new role is to try and develop either processes or government programs or private programs that allow to minimize risk.   “Because most fa...
CoBank Outlines Three Risks for Ag Retailers
CoBank Outlines Three Risks for Ag Retailers
CoBank Outlines Three Risks for Ag Retailers
The outlook for agricultural retailers is generally favorable for 2023, following a year of record profits in 2022.  However, the sector faces emerging risks that could depress profit margins and challenge traditional business models in the years ahead.  Lower l...
Farm Debt Could Return This Year
Farm Debt Could Return This Year
Farm Debt Could Return This Year
The USDA is forecasting that farm commodity prices will drop in the year ahead and production input costs will stay or even move higher.  For producers, the question is: when/if input prices follow those output prices lower.   “We are forecasting that fertilizer and feed expenses will decline in 2023, yet they will remain high," noted USDA economist Carrie Litkowski. She added expenses for m.
USDA Prices Received By Producers Down In January
USDA Prices Received By Producers Down In January
USDA Prices Received By Producers Down In January
According to the latest USDA Ag prices reports, American producers received almost 10% less price wise for their commodities in total in January.  The 9.7% month-over-month decline in prices received for all producers was the same number indicated for prices within the livestock index.    ...
Meyer Doesn’t Expect Record Income In 2023
Meyer Doesn’t Expect Record Income In 2023
Meyer Doesn’t Expect Record Income In 2023
Will the nation's farm sector generate yet another record amount of net income in 2023 as it's done the last two years?   “No, but the expectation is it will still be an above average year.”   USDA chief economist Seth Meyer told the USDA Outlook Forum last week that he expects net cash farm income this year to be $150.5 billion, which, if ...

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