The onset of warm temperatures is accelerating the melting of a record-breaking snowpack, triggering worries of continued flooding in California’s Central Valley.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently said it will take more than a single program to stem the tide of U.S. farm bankruptcies. And he said his latest $3 billion bid to prevent Chapter 12’s, is just one-part of a bigger strategy. Thousands of ...
USDA head Tom Vilsack says as far as he’s concerned, the star of the show if the America farmer and the Department of Ag is going to do what it can to keep those farmers on the land. And that assistance, he noted, is coming via the Inflation Reduction Act.
According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, Chapter 12 farm bankruptcy filings were down 50% last year. The number of Chapter 12 filings in 2021 was the lowest in the last decade, and was the first year in a decade in which the number of filings nationwide was below 300
The nation's farm economy in general is showing signs of improving health. Jackson Takach, Chief Economist for Farmer Mac, says the obvious signs are found in commodity prices. But from a lender perspective, the signs are also pretty striking
Despite challenges from the pandemic as well as bad weather, the tide of Chapter 12 bankruptcies appears to have turned. According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, higher commodity prices and government support resulted in a year-over-year drop in farm bankruptcies
Farm bankruptcies have been steadily declining over recent years. Will that trend continue into 2021? Gary Crawford take a look.
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The effect of the pandemic on the number and size of U.S. farms is unclear. But, according to Gary Crawford, we do know the number of farms nationwide declined last year.
Here in the northwest, Washington loss 100 farms last year, while Oregon and Idaho showed no change
Chapter 12 farm bankruptcy filings in 2020 were the third highest over the last decade, but that number was actually a decline. American Farm Bureau Federation Chief Economist John Newton said nationwide, there were 552 Chapter 12 family farm bankruptcies, down 7% from a year earlier
According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, between June 2019 and June of this year, 580 farm bankruptcy filings were reported nationwide, an 8% year over year increase AFBF Chief Economist John Newton said the year to year numbers don’t tell the entire story.