Researchers at UC Davis, have found a way to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers needed to grow cereal crops. UC Davis’ Eduardo Blumwald said the discovery could save American farmers billions of dollars annually in fertilizer costs while also benefiting the environment.
Consumer prices for cereal products as measured by the Consumer Price Index rose about 11% from January through June of 2022 compared to the same time last year. It’s the largest year-over-year increase during those six months since 1981. The USDA...
Earlier this spring, Syngenta received EPA approval for their newest seed treatment fungicide to help cereal growers in the Pacific Northwest. David Belles with Syngenta said Trebuset will benefit growers in the fight against Fusarium.
“This will be used in combination with our other seed treatments such as Sedaxane, Vibrance, Varaxatonea and Dividend Extreme. And a br
Growing world class wheat is only part of the job description for Northwest producers. The other part is beating back grasses and broadleaf weeds that look to rob the crop of nutrients and much more. Helena says their newest tool should give Northwest wheat growers an advantage in 2021 and well beyond
BASF's new insecticide Teraxxa, has been identified to manage wireworm populations and could be available as soon as this spring. WSU Extension educator, Dale Whaley, said wireworms are the amateur stage, the larva form, of click beetles that live in the soil.
"They can live i