
Agroforestry Offers Producers A Variety of Benefits
Agroforestry Offers Producers A Variety of Benefits
Agroforestry Offers Producers A Variety of Benefits
Agroforestry as a climate smart practice...yes.  But Keefe Keeley Executive Director of the Savannah Institute, says there are multiple opportunities for farmers implementing agroforestry practices beyond climatic benefits.   “It really about integrating multiple enterprises into the same farm into the same landscape so that can be high value fruit and nut crops that can be timber and non-timber f
New USDA Survey Hopes To Provide Dig Deep Of Agroforestry Industry
New USDA Survey Hopes To Provide Dig Deep Of Agroforestry Industry
New USDA Survey Hopes To Provide Dig Deep Of Agroforestry Industry
USDA collects some basic agroforestry data in its Census of Agriculture, but the agency announced a new National Agroforestry Survey. The goal is to gather information on five forestry practices. For the first time ever, farmers, ranchers, and ag producers of all kinds will have the opportunity to share the dynamic ways they manage valuable agroforestry resources in detail ...