Karen Sowers, Executive Director of the PNW Canola Association anticipates that despite the weather challenges of 2021, canola acreage will increase this growing season. She noted that more and more producers are learning of the benefits of canola beyond being a rotational crop.


“The local market and the canola market it staying so strong.  The U.S. is a net importer of canola oil and canola meal, so both sides of it.  I think there is no end in site for potential canola acreage growth if producers are willing to take the challenge to growing it.”

When Sowers talks with growers across the Pacific Northwest, she said the biggest question that comes up is the Return on Investment; they want to know if canola will make them more money than wheat, beans and garbs. She added the potential for profits is there, pointing out that canola can be used for much more than oil and meal.

“Then the renewable diesel thing.  Most people have heard about bio diesel, but not the renewable diesel end of things.  Certainly not every grower I talk to is aware of the full spectrum of end uses for sure.  And then another thing we don’t hear much about at all in the U.S. is bio plastics, which is another thing canola oil can go towards.”

Sowers said for 2022 the two biggest question marks for the canola industry will be weather and input costs Visit PNW Canola Association's Website to learn more about canola options in the region.

If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekmedia.com

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