Congresswoman Suzan DelBene is calling for swift implementation of WHIP+ funds created to help Pacific Northwest producers hurt by this summer’s record heat event. The Northwest Washington representative says from one single extreme heat event in June, berry, potato, seafood farmers reported massive losses.


“Some farms lost up to 90% of their total yields in certain areas.  One berry farmer in my district lost 84% of the farms crop because of the heat.  That’s an estimated $232,000 in lost revenue.”

Because of the heat, the USDA issued several disaster designation, unlocking federal resources. However, since the crop losses were from heat, which is not covered by WHIP, changes needed to be made. Because of that, lawmakers allocated a separate $10 billion in disaster assistance to help producers that suffered drought, wildfire, excessive heat, smoke exposure and other types of natural disasters in 2020 or 2021.

This marks the first time heat was included in WHIP+ coverage.

DelBene added between the extreme heat and wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, the devastating flooding in the Midwest and powerful hurricanes on the east coast, it’s obvious the impact humans are having on the climate.

“So, now is the time for bold action on climate change.  That’s why Congress must pass both the bipartisan infrastructure deal and the Build Back Better reconciliation bill to reduce carbon emissions, transition us to a green economy, get people back to work, and reestablish America as a leader on the global stage again.”

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